Meir Medical Center in collaboration with HealthIL invite you to submit innovative technological solutions for Smart Triage
These solutions will allow better patient's experience during the admission process in the Women's Emergency Room and improved care, through:
Shortening waiting and diagnosis times
Improving accuracy
Optimizing prioritization of tests and treatment
Effective routing of the patients through the treatment pathway
Maximizing the efficiency of hospital personnel
If you have a solution to address one of these challenges, feel free to register HERE
The Women’s ER includes two maternity wards in a “zero-separation” format, and 11 delivery rooms that cater to 7500 birth every year.
The department is affiliated with the Tel Aviv University School of Medicine and is also engaged in the guidance of specialized doctors, doctors from the community, delegations from abroad, midwives, and gynecological care.
In the women's emergency room, approximately 1000 women are examined per month for a wide variety of medical conditions.
The variation in the types of patients and the types of conditions, along with the increase in workload and the diverse sources of information on which the process relies, create challenges for triage, for prioritizing patients, for determining the diagnostic process and for maximizing the therapists' time.
The number and variety of information sources in admission to the ER is extensive and delays the intake process. The intake and triage process of clinical decision makers is based on this information, including hospital-EMRs, labs / imaging, and community care, as well as input from the patients.
All of these complexities require the need for innovative solutions in order to enable patients to receive effective intake and accurate diagnosis, and to make it possible to make better use of the caregivers' time.
About Meir Medical Center
The Meir Medical Center serves a population of approximately 800,000 residents in the greater Sharon region.
In Meir Medical Center we aim at promoting innovation in the medical world through our advanced Innovation Center. The center deals with the development of technological, engineering and process innovation, while instilling a culture of innovation and business development with the wider ecosystem in Israel and around the world.
What We Offer
The Meir Medical Center is looking for an entrepreneur, team or venture that will develop a solution to the challenge described in a joint venture with the hospital. Joint development involves practical work with fexperts and clinicians from the Meir Hospital to define, test and build an applicable and user-friendly solution.
Meir Medical Center offers:
Full support and accompaniment throughout the research process by the innovation & research center, with consulting of professionals from the gynecology department
Access to relevant medical information, data and facilities
Full research support
A platform for initial testing, research, and development